The other day, we showed our girls one of my all-time favorite movies, While You Were Sleeping. (Side-note, it came out 25 years ago this month!!) There are a couple scenes about men “leaning” into Lucy, some more desirable than others. Jack, the handsome conscious brother, and Joey, the obnoxious apartment complex tenant, both have their “leaning” moments with Lucy.
My feelings right now are more of Joey leaning into me than Jack, I’m definitely uncomfortable with this! But blogging is also something I want to do and have considered for over 10 years now. This is round three of my attempts at committing to blogging. Round one I never published a single post, and round two I wrote a whopping two posts and hated every second they were available to be read so I took it down. But thanks to Covid-19, I’ve got a lot of spare time and the call still lingers.
So after all these years of thinking about what I have to contribute, what I most want to write about involves wellness in mind, body, and soul. I’m by no means an expert in wellness, but I am in constant pursuit of it and am always interested in improving myself. Also, as a designer, I’m always thinking about the effect of our built and natural environments on our wellness.
Leaning into discomfort is a thought that came to me last week. It’s become a sort of motto as I start this blog. Are blogs still relevant?! I don’t know! But I’m leaning in, and I invite you to join me, and lean into some discomfort this week for the sake of personal growth.